Bologna From the Top: 7 Best Panoramic Views

Bologna panoramic view

You can walk through the porticoes, get an electric train, or jump on a tourist bus. There are many perspectives to see Bologna, some better than others. From a high spot, it's one of the most fascinating. Here are 7 popular and hidden places to get a panoramic viewpoint of Bologna.

Bologna panoramic view two towers

Asinelli tower

Torre degli Asinelli (2 towers)

The symbol of Bologna. The landmark not to miss. The selfie spot to stay in line for. Is it worth the effort to climb the 498 wood-made steps?
If it's a clear sunny day the view is amazing, but if you only have one day in Bologna you can save time and look for less popular alternatives.

View Vote: 9

Price: 5€

UPDATE 2024: Due to the renovation works on Garisenda Tower, the access to Asinelli tower is forbidden

San Pietro's Cathedral bell tower

During our food tours in Bologna I suggest to visit the bell tower on San Pietro Cathedral instead of Torre degli Asinelli.
No one knows about it and when Piazza Maggiore appears after the last step you'd be speechless.

The bad news? The opening time is more random than the ingredients of Bolognese ragù. So go and get lucky.

View Vote: 10

Price: 3€

Bologna panoramic view Specola

View of Bologna from Specola tower

Palazzo D'Accursio

A room with a view of Piazza Maggiore is a privilege for a few.
But you can enter Palazzo D'Accursio and walk to the window on the second floor for a new perspective of the square and its crescentone.

It's free, so if you're planning to visit Bologna on a budget do not skip this.
If you want to go higher you can get a ticket to enter the Palazzo D'Accursio's clock tower.

View Vote: 8

Price: free

Specola Tower

In the city of towers, you may not notice an astronomical observatory in the middle of the University area.
Specola (which means "the place to observe" in Latin) is a former observatory now converted into a museum with telescopes, globes and lunar maps.
And when you arrive on the rooftop the stars appear and Bologna shines.

In the same building don't forget to visit Palazzo Poggi, one of the most unusual museums of Bologna.

View Vote: 9

Price: 5€ only with a guided tour

Bologna panoramic view san michele bosco

Panorama of Bologna from San Michele in Bosco

San Luca Basilica

It doesn't matter if you are religious: if there's a symbol for Bolognesi, more than the towers or Neptune fountain, this is San Luca.

From the top of the hill where it's set, you can enjoy the view of Dall'Ara stadium and Certosa cemetery. But you'll be disappointed if you go there just for the view.

Wear comfortable shoes, plan a couple of hours early in the morning or at sunset and walk up: this is the one and only way to enjoy San Luca as locals do.

View Vote: 6

Price: Free

Villa Ghigi

Like emerging rocks on a river where to stand and watch fishes swimming, the hills behind Bologna are a perfect viewpoint on the red roofs of Bologna's skyline.

Villa Ghigi is one of the best parks in Bologna with a view unravelling from San Luca Basilica to Asinelli Tower.

Relax on a bench under a tree or open a blanket and...picnic!

View Vote: 7

Price: Free

San Michele in Bosco

It's one of the oldest churches in Bologna and it still keeps artworks by Carracci and Vasari.

But even if Renaissance art is not your style, the view from San Michele in Bosco is the most picture postcard of Bologna.

View Vote: 7,5

Price: Free

[Photos: Ștefan Jurcă, Justin Kern, lorenzoclick]

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