Taste Bologna Food Awards 2022: Passatelli, Genovese in Naples and Sardinia

Anolini Parma 2022

An onion sauce that you think is from Genoa and it's not.
An oven that spits out the most delicious meat you can have.
A dish that I could never get tired of.

Here are my best foods of 2022 and where you can get them too.

Passatelli with white ragù @Cucina di Quartiere, Modena

Passatelli Cucina di Quartiere

My addiction: passatelli

Can you get tired of a dish?
Sure you can. I can't eat fries anymore, after a couple of summer holidays in England when I was a teenager.

Problem is, I can't get tired of this passatelli from Cucina di Quartiere.

I can't get tired of this white ragù when you can meet a bay leaf and a juniper berry now and then.
I can't get tired of meeting the peel and the kidney of the chicken, poor pieces that would be murder not to use.

I can't get tired of the sparkling Sorbara Lambusco that refreshes my mouth between a bite and a chat with my lunch partner Riccardo.

In a few words, this is the dish of my 2022.


Cucina di Quartiere
Via Giardini, 497, 41124 Modena
Tel. +39 059 839 5470

Grilled meat and vegetables @Caminetto D'Oro, Bologna

Caminetto Oro Bologna grilled meat

All the amazing food the Josper oven delivers

Broiling temperature: 250 to 350 ºC
Grill rack capacity in GN trays:2xGN1/1
Nominal heat output: 9,6 kW
Flue gas mass flow: 23,57 g/s

These few tech specs of Josper charcoal oven won't tell you much about what you get from it.
So let me make it simpler.
Everything you put inside its door becomes insanely delicious.

At Caminetto D'Oro you can start with Fiorentina steak for an easy win. But even a carrot or a cauliflower exploded with new flavors. I guess if I try with a slipper it would become interesting too.


Caminetto D'Oro
Via de' Falegnami, 4/a, 40121 Bologna
Tel. +39 051 263494


Genovese @Tandem Ragù, Naples

Tandem genovese Napoli

Genovese sauce: you can order it with bread or different kind of pasta

I declare myself guilty.

I've underrated the cuisine of Naples.
As an excuse, I can add that the only Neapolitan restaurants outside Naples are about pizza.

Before you ask, Genovese has nothing to do with Pesto Genovese.
It's an onion sauce with meat to eat with pasta or bread.

It doesn't sound that interesting, doesn't it?
Ok now you're guilty too.
Because the sweet golden onion is slowly cooked for hours until it becomes a soft and tasty cream with the juices released by the meat.

In a word: heaven.


Tandem Ragù
Via Giovanni Paladino, 51, 80100 Napoli
Tel. +39 081 1900 2468


Curzul with clams @Osteria Zabariona, Ravenna

Osteria Zabariona curzul

Curzul with clams

Ok, I have a brand new fab tour in Ravenna to promote, I can't hide.

But how can't I not mention this homemade egg pasta that takes its name from shoe laces, served with the tiny Adriatico sea clams and olive oil?

Plus you're inside a Slow Food Osteria.
Plus you're in front of San Vitale Basilica with its stunning mosaics.

What to ask for more? See you in Ravenna!


Osteria della Zabariona
Via Argentario, 19, 48121 Ravenna
Tel. +39 327 897 6596


@Agriturismo Su Meurreddu, Tratalias

Agriturismo Su Meurruddu

Homemade pasta with sheep ragu

This is one of those places where you decide nothing.

No menu
, dinner when they are ready (between 8:30 and 9:30 pm), fixed price.

Tough life for the pork here, believe me.
But also carrots that taste like carrots, the nonna in the kitchen and her nephew talking with you around the tables.

Filu ferro grappa to finish, as much as you can drink it.

A place to remind you how you can be happy in a restaurant where the only Michelin logo appears on the tractor's wheels.


Agriturismo Su Meurreddu
Località Su Nuraxi, 12, 09010 Tratalias (SU)
Tel. +39 347 123 0391



The blog cover photo is anolini in brodo.

But to know more about it, make it with your hand and taste it with joy, you need to join our Parma food tour ;)

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